BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//Helios Calendar//EN X-FROM-URL:/calendar/index.php?eID=7246 X-WR-RELCALID:PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Calendar Get Connected! - Mueller Campus 20240926T113000 X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York X-WR-CALNAME:PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT URL;VALUE=URI:/calendar/index.php?eID=7246 DTSTART:20240926T113000 DTEND:20240926T130000 SUMMARY:Get Connected! - Mueller Campus DESCRIPTION:Enjoy FREE food\, engage in Fun activities\, learn about the resources available to PÕ¾ÊÓƵ students\, and more! These gatherings are not only a great way to meet fellow students\, but they allow you to... For complete event details please visit: /calendar/?eID=7246\n______________________________\nEvent Downloaded Powered by OU Calendar LOCATION:Mueller Campus\, Schumann Center (Building D)\, Room 146 - 6155 College Lane \, Vero Beach\, FL United States 32966 CATEGORIES:PÕ¾ÊÓƵ Calendar Events PRIORITY:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR