BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//Helios Calendar//EN X-FROM-URL:/calendar/index.php?eID=7162 X-WR-RELCALID:P站视频 Calendar P站视频 Board of Trustees Informational Session 20240822T140000 X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York X-WR-CALNAME:P站视频 Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT URL;VALUE=URI:/calendar/index.php?eID=7162 DTSTART:20240822T140000 DTEND:20240822T140000 SUMMARY:P站视频 Board of Trustees Informational Session DESCRIPTION:Informational Session of the P站视频 District Board of TrusteesThe meeting will take place at the P站视频 Massey Campus\, Fort Pierce\, Ben L. Bryan Administration Building\, in the Office of the President\,... For complete event details please visit: /calendar/?eID=7162\n______________________________\nEvent Downloaded Powered by OU Calendar LOCATION:Massey Campus\, Administration (Building A) - 3209 Virginia Avenue \, Fort Pierce\, FL 34981 CATEGORIES:P站视频 Calendar Events PRIORITY:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR